Manual Setup

Manual Installation

This chapter describes the steps for a manual installation (eg. not using the vagrant script and puppet scripts). This chapter is for developers who would like to have more control over the installation procedure.

With the increased control come increased risks of things not working with the versions or configuration of the software involved with the OSGP environment. If you run into issues, you may find clues in the puppet scripts about versions and modifications to the configuration of installed software.


Operating System

The Open Smart Grid Platform runs on a Linux environment. It is recommended to set up a machine running Ubuntu.

Software and tools

The Open Smart Grid platform needs the following software and tools installed/downloaded:

  • Java 8 openjdk-8

  • PostgreSQL and pgAdmin 3

  • Git

  • Maven

  • ActiveMQ

  • Tomcat

  • Apache HTTPD

  • SoapUi

  • Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

  • Google Protocol Buffers: protobuf-compiler, libprotoc7 and libprotobuf7



It is recommended to create a 'dev' user, because some scripts contain hard coded references to this 'dev' user. It is possible to skip this step, but then some of the scripts will have to be adjusted manually.


  • Place the PostgreSQL JDBC driver jar in the Tomcat lib directory.

  • Change permissions of Tomcat Config files to 644 in the Tomcat conf directory.

Apache HTTPD

  • Enable mod_ssl by running the following command:

    a2enmod ssl
  • Enable proxy_ajp by running the following command:

    a2enmod proxy_ajp


  • Make sure the JAVA_HOME var is set, and points to openjdk-8.

Cloning Sources

Clone the following repo's, it is recommended to create a Sources/OSGP directory in /home/dev/ since some scripts contain hard coded references to those folders.

git clone /home/dev/Sources/OSGP/Config
git clone /home/dev/Sources/OSGP/open-smart-grid-platform
git clone /home/dev/Sources/OSGP/Documentation

Make sure you are on the development branch (default).

Create the following directories:

  • /var/log/osp/logs

  • /etc/osp/

Make the dev user (or equivalent) the owner of the log directory with rwx permission. Give the other users read and execute permission.

Execute the script /home/dev/Sources/OSGP/Config/scripts/

Note This script uses hard coded references to /home/dev/Sources/OSGP/*, if you used a different user, please edit the script before executing it.

The script will make symlinks to certificates, to Apache HTTP server configuration and copy configuration settings as samples to locations where these properties may be overridden.

Initiating the Database

To create the database run the following command (Change /home/dev/ in case of no dev user)

sudo -u postgres /usr/bin/psql -p 5432 -f /home/dev/Sources/OSGP/Config/sql/create-users-and-databases.sql

And create a backup of the pg_hba.conf file (modify if your version of PostgreSQL is different)

cp -p /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.backup

Finally, reload the postgresql service:

service postgresql reload

Set up the Open Smart Grid Platform

Continue with setting up the Open Smart Grid Platform by following the Set up the Open Smart Grid Platform Guide

Last updated

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