

Request that notifies the device to continue the current schedule after the current schedule was interrupted (for example by switching by hand using SetLightRequest). This request can operate on a single relay or on all relays and the resuming of the schedule can be immediate or at the next schedule-entry.

Response which confirms the ResumeScheduleRequest has been executed or rejects the ResumeScheduleRequest.

Message definitions

message ResumeScheduleRequest {
    optional bytes index = 1; // [(nanopb).max_size = 1]; // index number of connected light (DALI), none means all connected lights.
    required bool immediate = 2; // [default = false]; // Resume at next schedule item or direct

message ResumeScheduleResponse {
    required Status status = 1;

Data types

enum Status {
    OK = 0;
    FAILURE = 1; // general failure
    REJECTED = 2; // request received in wrong state


Soap requests and responses sent to and from platform:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:adh="">
      <com:UserName>liander gebruiker</com:UserName>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <ns2:ResumeScheduleAsyncResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:com="" xmlns:adh="">
      <com:UserName>liander gebruiker</com:UserName>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <ns2:ResumeScheduleResponse xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">

OSLP ResumeScheduleRequest sent to 'device-01':

resumeScheduleRequest {
  index: "\001"
  immediate: true

OSLP ResumeScheduleResponse sent to platform:

resumeScheduleResponse {
  status: OK

Last updated

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