Installation Guide
To get started quickly, a Vagrant Installation Guide has been created and a guide for Manual Installation.
The goal of the installation manual is to control a simulated OSLP device through the Platform. Below, is a summary of all steps involved. See the next chapters for a detailed guide with screenshots. Please follow the steps carefully.
A summary of the steps involved:
Creating a virtual machine using Vagrant and Virtual Box
Run the puppet script (part of the Vagrant installation), or complete the steps manually (Manual installation)
Importing Maven Projects into Eclipse
Creating an Apache Tomcat9 Server
Setting Up Apache Tomcat9 Server Context
Deploying all open smart grid platform components to an Apache Tomcat9 Server
Starting Apache ActiveMQ
Starting Apache Tomcat9 Server
Creating the 'test-org' organization in the Database
Setting up SoapUI
First SOAP Requests to add a device to the open smart grid platform
Opening Device Simulator to add a device
Registering a device
Using 'SetLight' SOAP Request to switch the light on
Last updated
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