Installation Guide

To get started quickly, a Vagrant Installation Guide has been created and a guide for Manual Installation.

The goal of the installation manual is to control a simulated OSLP device through the Platform. Below, is a summary of all steps involved. See the next chapters for a detailed guide with screenshots. Please follow the steps carefully.

A summary of the steps involved:

  • Creating a virtual machine using Vagrant and Virtual Box

  • Run the puppet script (part of the Vagrant installation), or complete the steps manually (Manual installation)

  • Importing Maven Projects into Eclipse

  • Creating an Apache Tomcat9 Server

  • Setting Up Apache Tomcat9 Server Context

  • Deploying all open smart grid platform components to an Apache Tomcat9 Server

  • Starting Apache ActiveMQ

  • Starting Apache Tomcat9 Server

  • Creating the 'test-org' organization in the Database

  • Setting up SoapUI

  • First SOAP Requests to add a device to the open smart grid platform

  • Opening Device Simulator to add a device

  • Registering a device

  • Using 'SetLight' SOAP Request to switch the light on

Last updated