

AddDevice is a request to add a device to the OSGP database. For the list of parameters, see the .xsd file (link below).

All requests have similar response behaviour which is described in ResponseMessages

GetAddDeviceResponse returns if the result is successful from the request. The response contains the DeviceIdentification and CorrelationUid which is received from the AddDevice request.


XSD: sm-installation.xsd

WSDL: SmartMeteringInstallation.wsdl

Example scenario

  Scenario: Add a new device
    When receiving a smartmetering add device request
      | DeviceIdentification  | TEST1024000000001 |
      | DeviceType            | SMART_METER_E  |
      | CommunicationMethod   | GPRS  |
      | CommunicationProvider | KPN   |
      | ICC_id                | 1234  |
      | DSMR_version          | 4.2.2 |
      | Supplier              | Kaifa |
      | HLS3_active           | false |
      | HLS4_active           | false |
      | HLS5_active           | true  |
      | Master_key            | m_key |
      | Authentication_key    | a_key |
      | Encryption_key        | e_key |
    Then the get add device response should be returned
      | DeviceIdentification  | TEST1024000000001 |
      | Result                | OK                |
    And the dlms device with identification "TEST1024000000001" exists
    And a request to the device can be performed after activation
    And the stored keys are not equal to the received keys

Example XML Message

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1="">
            <ns1:Delivery_date>2017-05-17 06:16:57.07</ns1:Delivery_date>

Last updated

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