The device registration is a 2 step process. First RegisterDeviceRequest is sent from device to platform. Second are writing GPS coordinates to the device and disabling the device registration flag.
Request that notifies the platform that a device wants to register. During the registration the device identification (serial number) and the IP address are sent to the platform.
Response writes GPS coordinates and disables registration flag.
IEC61850 Fields
CSLC.Reg | CF | ntfEnb | BOOLEAN | Enable/Disable device registration. |
CSLC.Atnm | CF | lon | FLOAT32 | Longitude. |
CSLC.Atnm | CF | lat | FLOAT32 | Latitude. |
Plain text registration message
IEC61850 platform messages of the data sent to the device:
LogicalDevice: SWDeviceGenericIO
messageType: LocationInformation {
CSLC.Atnm[CF].lon: 52.37875
CSLC.Atnm[CF].lat: 5.95558
messageType: DisableRegistration {
CSLC.Reg[CF].ntfEnb: false
IEC61850 protocol adapter logging:
2018-09-28 06:24:43.590] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O server boss #9] INFO o.o.a.p.i.a.config.Iec61850Config@getPipeline:120 - Created new IEC61850 handler pipeline for server
2018-09-28 06:24:43.591] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O server boss #9] INFO o.j.n.handler.logging.LoggingHandler@info:48 - [id: 0x2838b6a7, / => /] OPEN
2018-09-28 06:24:43.591] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O server boss #9] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.Iec61850ChannelHandlerServer@channelOpen:34 - 674805415 Channel opened
2018-09-28 06:24:43.592] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.j.n.handler.logging.LoggingHandler@info:48 - [id: 0x2838b6a7, / => /] BOUND: /
2018-09-28 06:24:43.593] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.j.n.handler.logging.LoggingHandler@info:48 - [id: 0x2838b6a7, / => /] CONNECTED: /
2018-09-28 06:25:38.173] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.j.n.handler.logging.LoggingHandler@info:48 - [id: 0x2838b6a7, / => /] RECEIVED: BigEndianHeapChannelBuffer(ridx=0, widx=25, cap=25)
| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |
|00000000| 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 35 33 2c 38 34 2e 33 30 |0000000053,84.30|
|00000010| 2e 36 39 2e 31 34 38 0d 0a |.69.148.. |
2018-09-28 06:25:49.131] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.j.n.handler.logging.LoggingHandler@info:48 - [id: 0x2838b6a7, / :> /] DISCONNECTED
2018-09-28 06:25:49.131] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.RegisterDeviceRequestDecoder@decodeLast:41 - Decoding bytes received at channel disconnect.
2018-09-28 06:25:49.170] [osgp-tst-04] [ActiveMQ Task-1] INFO o.a.a.t.failover.FailoverTransport@doReconnect:1055 - Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616
2018-09-28 06:25:49.217] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.Iec61850ChannelHandlerServer@processRegistrationMessage:75 - Using testDeviceId: KAI-0000000053 and testDeviceIp:
2018-09-28 06:25:49.218] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.Iec61850ChannelHandlerServer@processRegistrationMessage:87 - Sending register device request to OSGP with correlation ID: 497d5a374fff414cbf2b7e42e2a9d702
2018-09-28 06:25:49.218] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.m.OsgpRequestMessageSender@send:34 - Sending request message to OSGP.
2018-09-28 06:25:49.220] [osgp-tst-04] [ActiveMQ Task-1] INFO o.a.a.t.failover.FailoverTransport@doReconnect:1055 - Successfully connected to tcp://localhost:61616
2018-09-28 06:25:49.268] [osgp-tst-04] [protocolLogItemRequestsMessageListenerContainer-2] INFO o.o.l.i.j.ProtocolLogItemRequestMessageListener@onMessage:38 - Received protocol log item request message off type [IEC61850_LOG_ITEM]
2018-09-28 06:25:49.296] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.s.Iec61850DeviceConnectionService@connect:115 - Trying to connect to deviceIdentification: KAI-0000000053 at IP address using response time-out: 10000
2018-09-28 06:25:49.302] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.r.Iec61850ClientSSLDEventListener@buildExternalByInternalIndexMap:80 - Retrieved internal to external index map for device KAI-0000000053: {0=0, 1=1, 2=2, 3=3}
2018-09-28 06:25:49.307] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.Iec61850Client@connect:97 - Attempting to connect to server: on port: 102, max redelivery count: 0 and max retry count: 0
2018-09-28 06:25:49.327] [osgp-tst-04] [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] INFO o.o.c.i.j.p.i.ProtocolRequestMessageListener@onMessage:46 - Received message of type: REGISTER_DEVICE
2018-09-28 06:25:49.327] [osgp-tst-04] [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] INFO o.o.c.i.j.p.i.m.RegisterDeviceMessageProcessor@processMessage:53 - Received message of messageType: REGISTER_DEVICE organisationIdentification: no-organisation deviceIdentification: KAI-0000000053
2018-09-28 06:25:49.329] [osgp-tst-04] [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] INFO o.o.c.i.j.p.i.m.RegisterDeviceMessageProcessor@updateRegistrationData:92 - updateRegistrationData called for device: KAI-0000000053 ipAddress:, deviceType: SSLD hasSchedule: true.
2018-09-28 06:25:49.360] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.Iec61850Client@connect:113 - Connected to device: KAI-0000000053
2018-09-28 06:25:49.361] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.s.Iec61850DeviceConnectionService@readServerModelFromConfiguredIcdFile:316 - Reading ServerModel from SCL / ICD file: /etc/osp/kaifa-server-model/SWDevice-010805.icd
2018-09-28 06:25:49.398] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.s.Iec61850DeviceConnectionService@connect:159 - Connected to device: KAI-0000000053, fetched server model. Start time: 2018-09-28T06:25:49.297Z, end time: 2018-09-28T06:25:49.398Z, total time in milliseconds: 101
2018-09-28 06:25:49.400] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.h.DeviceConnection@createObjectReference:94 - Device: KAI-0000000053, ObjectReference: SWDeviceGenericIO/CSLC.Reg
2018-09-28 06:25:49.419] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.s.c.Iec61850DisableRegistrationCommand@disableRegistration:30 - Registration disabled for device: KAI-0000000053
2018-09-28 06:25:49.421] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.a.s.DeviceRegistrationService@setLocationInformation:122 - Ssld found for device: KAI-0000000053 longitude: 52.37875, latitude: 5.95558
2018-09-28 06:25:49.422] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.h.DeviceConnection@createObjectReference:94 - Device: KAI-0000000053, ObjectReference: SWDeviceGenericIO/CSLC.Atnm
2018-09-28 06:25:49.646] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.s.c.Iec61850SetGpsCoordinatesCommand@setGpsCoordinates:32 - longitude: 52.37875, latitude: 5.95558 written for device: KAI-0000000053
2018-09-28 06:25:49.647] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.a.s.DeviceRegistrationService@apply:98 - Reporting disabled for device: KAI-0000000053
2018-09-28 06:25:49.647] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.Iec61850ChannelHandlerServer@processRegistrationMessage:93 - Disabled registration for device: KAI-0000000053, at IP address:
2018-09-28 06:25:49.649] [osgp-tst-04] [Thread-185] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.r.Iec61850ClientSSLDEventListener@associationClosed:366 - associationClosed() for device: KAI-0000000053, IOException: Connection disconnected by client
2018-09-28 06:25:49.649] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.Iec61850ChannelHandlerServer@channelDisconnected:40 - 674805415 Channel disconnected
2018-09-28 06:25:49.649] [osgp-tst-04] [Thread-185] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.r.Iec61850ClientSSLDEventListener@associationClosed:371 - No event notifications received from device: KAI-0000000053
2018-09-28 06:25:49.649] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.j.n.handler.logging.LoggingHandler@info:48 - [id: 0x2838b6a7, / :> /] UNBOUND
2018-09-28 06:25:49.649] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.Iec61850ChannelHandlerServer@channelUnbound:52 - 674805415 Channel unbound
2018-09-28 06:25:49.649] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.j.n.handler.logging.LoggingHandler@info:48 - [id: 0x2838b6a7, / :> /] CLOSED
2018-09-28 06:25:49.649] [osgp-tst-04] [New I/O worker #4] INFO o.o.a.p.i.i.n.Iec61850ChannelHandlerServer@channelClosed:46 - 674805415 Channel closed
Last updated