OSLP SetScheduleRequest sent to 'device-01' to set a Light Schedule (1 page in this case, therefore no pagingInfo needed):
setScheduleRequest {
schedules {
weekday: ALL
actionTime: SUNRISE
window {
minutesBefore: 15
minutesAfter: 15
value {
index: "\000"
on: false
triggerType: LIGHT_TRIGGER
schedules {
weekday: ALL
actionTime: SUNSET
window {
minutesBefore: 15
minutesAfter: 15
value {
index: "\000"
on: true
triggerType: LIGHT_TRIGGER
schedules {
weekday: ALL
time: "230000"
window {
minutesBefore: 30
minutesAfter: 30
value {
index: "\002"
on: false
schedules {
weekday: ALL
time: "070000"
window {
minutesBefore: 150
minutesAfter: 41
value {
index: "\002"
on: true
scheduleType: LIGHT
OSLP SetScheduleResponse from 'device-01':
setScheduleResponse {
status: OK
Description for this schedule:
This schedule combines a 'morning/evening light' with an 'all night light'. Relay 1 and 2 will be switched on using a light measurement trigger. Relay 2 will be switched off at 23:00 using an absolute time. Relay 2 will be switched on at 07:00, but only when no light measurement trigger has been received yet. Relay 1 and 2 will be switched off using a light measurement trigger.
The first schedule-entry:
schedules {
weekday: ALL
actionTime: SUNRISE
window {
minutesBefore: 15
minutesAfter: 15
value {
index: "\000"
on: false
triggerType: LIGHT_TRIGGER
'index: "\000"' means: all device relays configured as LIGHT relays (see SetConfigurationRequest message)
'light measurement trigger' is defined as: a SetTransitionRequest message containing a TransitionType matching the schedule-entry's actionTime value (SUNRISE matches NIGHT_DAY and SUNSET matches DAY_NIGHT)
Specifies: For all (weekday: ALL) 7 days of the week, when a light measurement trigger is received in the morning (actionTime: SUNRISE), then all device relays configured as LIGHT relays have to switch off (on: false).
When and only when a SUNRISE transition is received via a light measurement trigger (LIGHT_TRIGGER) within a window of 15 minutesBefore and 15 minutesAfter the calculated astronomical time for sunrise, then the device shall switch for the received light measurement trigger.
When no SUNRISE transition is received via a light measurement trigger (LIGHT_TRIGGER) within a window of 15 minutesBefore and 15 minutesAfter the calculated astronomical time for sunrise, then the device shall switch at the end of the window.
The triggerType (LIGHT_TRIGGER) defines how a SUNRISE (actionTime) transition will be triggered.
The second schedule-entry:
schedules {
weekday: ALL
actionTime: SUNSET
window {
minutesBefore: 15
minutesAfter: 15
value {
index: "\000"
on: true
triggerType: LIGHT_TRIGGER
'index: "\000"' means: all device relays configured as LIGHT relays (see SetConfigurationRequest message)
'light measurement trigger' is defined as: a SetTransitionRequest message containing a TransitionType matching the schedule-entry's actionTime value (SUNRISE matches NIGHT_DAY and SUNSET matches DAY_NIGHT)
Specifies: For all (weekday: ALL) 7 days of the week, when a light measurement trigger is received in the morning (actionTime: SUNSET), then all device relays configured as LIGHT relays have to switch on (on: true).
When and only when a SUNSET transition is received via a light measurement trigger (triggerType: LIGHT_TRIGGER) within a window of 15 minutesBefore and 15 minutesAfter the calculated astronomical time for sunset, then the device shall switch for the received light measurement trigger.
When no SUNSET transition is received via a light measurement trigger (triggerType: LIGHT_TRIGGER) within a window of 15 minutesBefore and 15 minutesAfter the calculated astronomical time for sunrise, then the device shall switch at the end of the window.
The triggerType (LIGHT_TRIGGER) defines how a SUNSET (actionTime) transition will be triggered.
The third schedule-entry:
schedules {
weekday: ALL
time: "230000"
window {
minutesBefore: 30
minutesAfter: 30
value {
index: "\002"
on: false
Specifies: For all (weekday: ALL) 7 days of the week, when its 11 'o clock in the evening (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "230000") then device relay 2 has to switch off (on: false).
Since actionTime is ABSOLUTETIME, the triggerType value must be omitted from this schedule-entry.
The fourth schedule-entry:
schedules {
weekday: ALL
time: "070000"
window {
minutesBefore: 150
minutesAfter: 41
value {
index: "\002"
on: true
For all (weekday: ALL) 7 days of the week, when its 7 'o clock in the morning (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "070000") and there are no other schedule-entries that have caused the switching of device relay 2 within the window defined (minutesBefore: 150 and minutesAfter) then device relay 2 has to switch on (on: true).
Since actionTime is ABSOLUTETIME, the triggerType value must be omitted from this schedule-entry.
This schedule has one entry which switches light relay 1 (index: "\001") off at January 1st 2016 at 7 'o clock in the morning. When 'weekday' is set to ABSOLUTEDAY, the date will be placed in 'startDay'.
Example 3: Schedule using OSLP v0.6.1 specific properties
setScheduleRequest {
schedules {
weekday: ALL
actionTime: SUNRISE
window {
minutesBefore: 15
minutesAfter: 15
value {
index: "\000"
on: false
triggerType: LIGHT_TRIGGER
index: 0
isEnabled: true
schedules {
weekday: ALL
actionTime: SUNSET
window {
minutesBefore: 15
minutesAfter: 15
value {
index: "\000"
on: true
triggerType: LIGHT_TRIGGER
index: 1
isEnabled: true
schedules {
weekday: ALL
time: "230000"
window {
minutesBefore: 30
minutesAfter: 30
value {
index: "\001"
on: false
index: 2
isEnabled: true
schedules {
weekday: ALL
time: "070000"
window {
minutesBefore: 30
minutesAfter: 30
value {
index: "\001"
on: true
minimumLightsOn: 300
index: 3
isEnabled: true
scheduleType: LIGHT
OSLP SetScheduleResponse from 'device-01':
setScheduleResponse {
status: OK
Description for this schedule:
This schedule consists of 1 page, and uses 'minimumLightOn' to indicate a minimal burning time in seconds. Further it uses 'index' and 'isEnabled' variables for the Schedule struct, to indicate what index this schedule-entry has within the list of schedule-entries and whether or not the schedule-entry is enabled.
Astronomical Offsets
The SOAP request message may contain information about astronomical offsets (see the documentation about light schedules for more details about the offsets).
When AstronomicalSunriseOffset and/or AstronomicalSunsetOffset are set, they will be configured on the device by updating the configuration setting the offsets as astroGateSunRiseOffset and astroGateSunSetOffset of the SetConfigurationRequest.
OSLP SetScheduleResponse from 'device-01' for page 2:
setScheduleResponse {
status: OK
Description for this schedule:
This schedule defines the tariff switching moments. For most weekdays of the year the tariff is high from 7 'o clock in the morning until 11 'o clock in the evening. During the night and weekend, the tariff is low. However for certain days, like Christmas Day, the tariff has to be low as well (Christmas Day may be a weekday).
The first schedule-entry:
schedules {
weekday: WEEKDAY
startDay: "20150101"
endDay: "20160201"
time: "230000"
value {
index: "\003"
on: true
specifies that for every work day of the week (weekday: WEEKDAY meaning from Monday until Friday) from 1st of January 2015 until 1st of February 2016 (startDay: "20150101" and endDay: "20160201") at 11 'o clock in the evening (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "230000") the relay with index 3 (index: "\003") has to switch on (on: true). When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF relay, this means the tariff will be low. When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF_REVERSED, this means the tariff will be high.
The second schedule-entry:
schedules {
weekday: WEEKDAY
startDay: "20150101"
endDay: "20160201"
time: "070000"
value {
index: "\003"
on: false
specifies that for every work day of the week (weekday: WEEKDAY meaning from Monday until Friday) from 1st of January 2015 until 1st of February 2016 (startDay: "20150101" and endDay: "20160201") at 7 'o clock in the morning (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "070000") the relay with index 3 (index: "\003") has to switch off (on: false). When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF relay, this means the tariff will be high. When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF_REVERSED, this means the tariff will be low.
The third schedule-entry:
schedules {
weekday: WEEKDAY
startDay: "20150101"
endDay: "20150101"
time: "070000"
value {
index: "\003"
on: true
specifies that for every work day of the week (weekday: WEEKDAY meaning from Monday until Friday) from 1st of January 2015 until 1st of January 2015 (startDay: "20150101" and endDay: "20150101") at 7 'o clock in the morning (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "070000") the relay with index 3 (index: "\003") has to switch on (on: true). When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF relay, this means the tariff will be low. When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF_REVERSED, this means the tariff will be high. This schedule entry is needed to make sure that the tariff is low for a particular day of the year (New Year's Day).
The fourth schedule-entry:
schedules {
weekday: WEEKDAY
startDay: "20150406"
endDay: "20150406"
time: "070000"
value {
index: "\003"
on: true
specifies that for every work day of the week (weekday: WEEKDAY meaning from Monday until Friday) from 6st of April 2015 until 6st of April 2015 (startDay: "20150406" and endDay: "20150406") at 7 'o clock in the morning (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "070000") the relay with index 3 (index: "\003") has to switch on (on: true). When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF relay, this means the tariff will be low. When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF_REVERSED, this means the tariff will be high. This schedule entry is needed to make sure that the tariff is low for a particular day of the year (Easter Monday).
The fifth schedule-entry:
schedules {
weekday: WEEKDAY
startDay: "20150427"
endDay: "20150427"
time: "070000"
value {
index: "\003"
on: true
specifies that for every work day of the week (weekday: WEEKDAY meaning from Monday until Friday) from 27st of April 2015 until 27st of April 2015 (startDay: "20150427" and endDay: "20150427") at 7 'o clock in the morning (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "070000") the relay with index 3 (index: "\003") has to switch on (on: true). When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF relay, this means the tariff will be low. When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF_REVERSED, this means the tariff will be high. This schedule entry is needed to make sure that the tariff is low for a particular day of the year (Dutch Kings Day).
specifies that this is the first page of a total of 2 pages. The pageSize is set by the platform and can be any value from 1 to 50.
The last element of the SetScheduleRequest:
scheduleType: TARIFF
specifies that this is a tariff schedule.
The sixth schedule-entry (page 2):
weekday: WEEKDAY
startDay: "20150514"
endDay: "20150514"
time: "070000"
value {
index: "\003"
on: true
specifies that for every work day of the week (weekday: WEEKDAY meaning from Monday until Friday) from 14th of May 2015 until 14th of May 2015 (startDay: "20150514" and endDay: "20150514") at 7 'o clock in the morning (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "070000") the relay with index 3 (index: "\003") has to switch on (on: true). When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF relay, this means the tariff will be low. When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF_REVERSED, this means the tariff will be high. This schedule entry is needed to make sure that the tariff is low for a particular day of the year (Ascension Day).
The seventh schedule-entry (page 2):
schedules {
weekday: WEEKDAY
startDay: "20150525"
endDay: "20150525"
time: "070000"
value {
index: "\003"
on: true
specifies that for every work day of the week (weekday: WEEKDAY meaning from Monday until Friday) from 25th of May 2015 until 25th of May 2015 (startDay: "20150525" and endDay: "20150525") at 7 'o clock in the morning (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "070000") the relay with index 3 (index: "\003") has to switch on (on: true). When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF relay, this means the tariff will be low. When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF_REVERSED, this means the tariff will be high. This schedule entry is needed to make sure that the tariff is low for a particular day of the year (Whit Monday).
The eighth schedule-entry (page 2):
schedules {
weekday: WEEKDAY
startDay: "20151225"
endDay: "20151225"
time: "070000"
value {
index: "\003"
on: true
specifies that for every work day of the week (weekday: WEEKDAY meaning from Monday until Friday) from 25th of December 2015 until 25th of December 2015 (startDay: "20151225" and endDay: "20151225") at 7 'o clock in the morning (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "070000") the relay with index 3 (index: "\003") has to switch on (on: true). When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF relay, this means the tariff will be low. When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF_REVERSED, this means the tariff will be high. This schedule entry is needed to make sure that the tariff is low for a particular day of the year (Christmas Day).
The ninth schedule-entry (page 2):
schedules {
weekday: WEEKDAY
startDay: "20160101"
endDay: "20160101"
time: "070000"
value {
index: "\003"
on: true
specifies that for every work day of the week (weekday: WEEKDAY meaning from Monday until Friday) from 1st of January 2016 until 1st of January 2016 (startDay: "20160101" and endDay: "20160101") at 7 'o clock in the morning (actionTime: ABSOLUTETIME and time: "070000") the relay with index 3 (index: "\003") has to switch on (on: true). When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF relay, this means the tariff will be low. When a device is configured to have relay 3 as TARIFF_REVERSED, this means the tariff will be high. This schedule entry is needed to make sure that the tariff is low for a particular day of the year (New Year's Day).